Journal papers
Rožanec, J. M., Petelin, G., Costa, J., Cerar, G., Bertalanič, B., Guček, M., Papa, G.& Mladenić, D. (2025).
Dealing with zero-inflated data: Achieving state-of-the-art with a two-fold machine learning approach.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 149, 110339, ISSN 0952-1976.
Papa, G., Hribar, R., Petelin, G. & Vukasinovic, V. Advanced computing to support urban climate neutrality.
Energ Sustain Soc 15, 16 (2025).
Chau, M.L.Y., Gkiotsalitis, K. (2025). A systematic literature review on the use
of metaheuristics for the optimisation of multimodal transportation. Evol. Intel. 18, 36 (2025).
Luan, X., Eikenbroek, O., Corman, F., & van Berkum, E. (2024). Passenger social rerouting strategies
in capacitated public transport systems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,
Volume 188, 2024, 103598, ISSN 1366-5545,.
Petelin, G., Hribar, R., & Papa, G. (2023). Models for forecasting the traffic flow within the city of Ljubljana.
European Transport Research Review, 15(1), 1-20.
Conference papers
Farahmand, Z. H., Eikenbroek, O., Gkiotsalitis, K., & van Berkum, E. (2024). High-Resolution Platoon Prediction for Coordinated
Traffic Control along Urban Arterials. Euro Working group on Transportation 2024
Sánchez-Cauce, R., G. Cantú Ros, O., Ruiz, P., & Burrieza-Galán, J. (2024). Identification and
characterisation of delivery trips from mobile network and logistic operator data. Mobile Tartu 2024
Nisyrios, E., Nikolopoulou, A., & Gkiotsalitis, K. (2024).
The Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Crossdock for Perishable Goods. ECCOMAS 2024
Petelin, G., Rožanec, J., & Papa, G. (2024).
Traffic Forecasting With Uncertainty: A Case for Conformalized Quantile Regression. ECCOMAS 2024
Papa, G., Massi, F., & Vukašinović, V. (2024).
Fleet and Traffic Management Systems for Conducting Future Cooperative Mobility. ECCOMAS 2024
Lanzi, P., Brambati, F., Giampaolo, N., & Spiller, E. (2024).
User-centred design for CCAM: a Holistic Approach Combining Stakeholders and Users’ Needs with Regulatory Requirements. 10th Transport Research Arena
Papa, G., Vukašinović, V., Sánchez-Cauce, R., Cantú Ros, O. G., Burrieza-Galán, J., Tympakianaki, A., Pellicer-Pous, A., Gosh, A., & Serrano, L. (2024).
Fleet and traffic management systems for conducting future cooperative mobility. 10th Transport Research Arena
Matthaiou, A., Nisyrios, E., Lai-Ying Chau, M., & Gkiotsalitis, K. (2024). Impact assessment of governance models on the integration of connected and autonomous vehicles.
10th Transport Research Arena
Gkiotsalitis, K., Nikolopoulou, A. (2023). The Pickup and Delivery Problem with Crossdock for Perishable Goods. ITSC2023
Wolf, F., Engelhardt, R., Zhang, Y., Dandl, F., & Bogenberger, K. (2023). Effects of Dynamic and Stochastic
Travel Times on the Operation of Mobility-on-Demand Services. ITSC2023
Hulleman, R. (2023). Sustainable Mobilityby providing Connected
Mobility for all Modes of Transport. ITS European Congress