Liaison with relevant projects and initiatives


Enhancing Integration and Interoperability of CCAM eco-system

The IN2CCAM project intends develop, implement and demonstrate innovative technologies and services for infrastructures and users to include connected and automated vehicles in the transport of passengers and goods. The approach is based on the implementation and integration of enhanced Physical, Digital and Operational Infrastructures to enrich CCAM services and increase safety and traffic efficiency.


AI-based CCAM: Trustworthy, Explainable, and Accountable

The AITHENA project proposes the definition of a common and harmonized methodology for AI-based CCAM solutions (perception, situational awareness, decision-making and traffic management) development and testing focusing on the trustworthy AI pillars (accuracy, explainability, accountability, privacy, ethics) to serve the diverse end user types: vehicle drivers, function developers, and certification/legal bodies. AITHENA will work and advance on three AI aspects: DATA, AI MODELs development and TESTING and Validation approaches.

Coordinating and synchronising multimodal transport improving road, rail, water and air transport through increased automation and user involvement

The ORCHESTRA project will coordinate and synchronise the traffic management of all transport modes. The project aims to provide European policymakers, public authorities, transport providers, and citizens with both new knowledge and technical and organisational solutions to enhance collaboration and synchronising of operations within and across transport modes, enhancing safety and reducing emissions. ORCHESTRA will establish a common understanding of multimodal traffic management concepts and solutions, for various stakeholders and multiple contexts. It will define a Multimodal Traffic Management Ecosystem (MTME) where traffic managements in different modes and areas (rural and urban) are coordinated to contribute to a more balanced and resilient transport system, bridging current barriers and silos.

New tools for a dynamic management of multimodal traffic operations

TANGENT is improving multimodal transport flows and innovative mobility solutions in cities. The project is developing new tools for optimising traffic operations in a coordinated way, considering both mostly passengers and freight transport. TANGENT has four pilots: Athens (virtual case study), Greater Manchester, Lisbon and Rennes. It is testing and delivering the following services for decision-making support:

  • Enhanced information for multimodal transport management to integrate information from all transport modes through a single dashboard and via APIs to transport operators, service providers and transport users.
  • Real-time traffic management through recommendations at operational and tactical levels to transport agents, optimising the overall transport network.
  • Transport network optimisation to support decision-makers in producing policies or response plans to optimise the performance of the network, including dynamic transport network management and transport supply optimisation.

TANGENT solutions will help pilot cities achieve reductions in travel times, CO2 emissions and accidents, and increase uptake of public transport and active modes.